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discovery Flight
Discover the world of flying
during this exciting and informative
maiden voyage. Learn More>

Flight Training Learn to fly today and begin to fulfill your aviation dreams! Learn More>

Aircraft Rental Need an airplane? Call us for
great rates and easy terms and you'll be
on your way. Learn More>

Aerial PhotographyProfessional-quality photography from the air. Great rates. Learn More>




Aircraft Rental
Great Rates and Easy Terms.

Cessna 172P N99341 Dynon Glass Panel
$150 per hour

Cessna 172N N258MA with Garmin 430W
$140 per hour

Cessna 172 N738GJ with Garmin 430
$140 per hour

Cessna 172 N19624 with Garmin 430

$140 per hour

Cessna 172 1221U with Garmin 430
$140 per hour

Flight Instruction Rates

Primary Instruction | $50 per hour

Advanced Ratings & Endorsements | $50 per hour

Training in Your Aircraft | Mesquite Aviation does not train in owner aircraft

Call Today to get Started! 972.222.3546


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